Sales Management Master Sales

Teach yourself modern sales techniques to successfully persuade others to your ideas, services and products. Find out which competencies a successful salesman must have in order to develop long term relations with a client and to increase sales results.


If you want to know:

  • how to create a profile of an effective salesman
  • how to choose the correct communication techniques while contacting a costumer
  • how to achieve salesman assertiveness
  • how to construct and finalize sales contracts
  • how to build a relation with a customer by using the strategic needs analysis


  • Modern product and service sales techniques
  • Customer behavior typology
  • Tools for successful communication


  • Emotion management in customer service
  • Skills for gaining advantage during the offer presentation
  • Reliable image of a successful salesman


  • Persuasion techniques
  • Tools for constructing sales contracts
  • Knowledge of how to manage a successful sales process
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